CEA and Munich based Röpke Architetcs s.a. form a planning JV and are awarded the executive design for the new Greek School Munich.
Members of the planning team are also landscape architects michellerundschalk s.a., the engineer's ofiices Derflinger and Ahlborn, from Munich, as well as ImmotTech s.a. from Vilsbiburg.
Office moves to Munich
CEA moves to Hansjakobstr. 80 in 81673 Munich.
Completion of HQ Extension Bosch Security Systems
Until April 2012, CEA planned and supervised the extension of Bosch Security Systems' headquarters in Munich.
The constructions where completed in time and within the calculated costs.
Extension HQ B. Security Systems
June 2011
CEA ist tasked with services for the extension of the HQ of Bosch Security Systems in Munich.
On an area of approximately 10.000 sqm, the exsiting interiors will be removed to make space for a modern open-office concept.
Palazetto dello Sport Cagliari (IT)
May 2011
In cooperation with Heliopolis 21 Architetti Asc., Pisa, Italy, works commence for the Palazetto dello Sport, Cagliari, Italy.
Foundation CEA
May 2011
CEA Carsten Ebermann Architect is founded.